Blocks, are a mechanism to restrict or suspend the participation & activities of a user on a wiki. Blocks are typically reserved for when a user makes contributions that are inconsistent with the constructive act of editing a wiki or being a member of a community.
Block Duration
None - 1 day
These violations are considered minor and will result in a verbal warning or a maximum one-day timeout. These include:
Falsely reporting posts, comments, or messages.
Deleting warnings given by staff members before they expire.
Creating off-topic pages.
Removing valid candidates for deletion or stub templates.
Edit and/or post farming.
Misbehavior (which includes and is not limited to: bullying, name-calling, and false and baseless accusations).
Editing other user's profile pages without permission.
Any repeated actions on this list.
Moderate Violations
3 days - 1 week
These are offenses that are typically minor and inoffensive, but can be harmful to the wiki, which include: